Intellectual Output
Guidelines for Organizing and Conducting Educational and Scientific Virtual Conferences
Guidelines for Organising and Conducting Educational and Scientific Virtual Conferences
This guide was developed in 2021 by a partner consortium of four organizations with the support of the EU’s Erasmus + program. The materials have been prepared, compiled and presented for free use in order to facilitate academic institutions in organising educational and scientific virtual conferences. With the advancement of information technologies, the academic world has a wonderful opportunity to overcome communication barriers caused by crisis situations through the capabilities of virtual means. We hope that through this publication we will expand the range of competencies needed to achieve high quality virtual conferences. We would be happy if this publication becomes an object of future developments, amendments and additions (at any level of competence and by any institution or institutional networks) so as to keep up-to-date knowledge and skills about the relationship between scientific information and effective virtual communication.
About the Intellectual Output
The Guidelines for Organizing and Conducting Educational and Scientific Virtual Conferences is a planned pedagogical material, which will detail all of the differences in the organization of remote conferences, as compared to traditional attendance conferences. The Intellectual Output will be in the form of instructions and recommendations based on an analysis of the separate components of the organization of such meetings. In addition, the document will contain examples of successful solutions and typical errors that occur due to insufficient foresight of circumstances. This analytical report will serve both institutions that have no experience in organizing remote conferences and educational institutions that already have some practice in this respect. With some adaptations, the report could benefit not only higher education institutions, for which it is intended, but also the education system as a whole, since the conference format takes place at all educational levels (in the higher education system, there are some additional requirements, such as review of articles, educational standards, etc.). We envisage the prepared document to be published entirely on the Internet, in the absence of any restrictions on downloading and printing by users. The Guidelines will originally be prepared in English, and in order to ensure the widest possible access to the document at regional level, each of the partners under the project will organize a translation of the Guidelines into their national language (i.e. Bulgarian, Romanian and Serbian).
Document length
Approx. 150 pages
Part I: Organizational Practices in the Conduction and Realization of Educational and Scientific Virtual Conferences
Part II: Infrastructure for Successful Virtual Conferences
Part III: Lecturers and Audience - Tips for Successful Scientific Presentation and Communication
Part IV: Visibility and PR
Language versions
- English
- Bulgarian
- Romanian
- Serbian
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.